Lutech Stain invite you to the Openhouse Lindt & Sprüngli -22 Giugno 2023 - to discover the benefits of MES for the processes digitalization.
• 14:30 Registrazione partecipanti
• 15:00 Benvenuti in Lindt: il Gruppo, l’innovazione,
lo stabilimento di Induno Olona
Luigi Banfi - Head of Engineering & Maintenance Lindt & Sprüngli
• 15:25 Lutech Digital Factory
Antonio Riso - Industry Leader Manufacturing Lutech
• 15:40 Tecnologia e metodologia progetto MES in Lindt
Claudio Morbi - Ceo Lutech Stain
16: 00 Il progetto MES in Lindt: obiettivi, vantaggi,
Marco Baruffato - Industrial Performance & TPM Manager Lindt & Sprüngli
• 16:30 Plant tour
• 18:00 Saluti finali e aperitivo
Lindt & Sprungli Spa
Largo Edoardo Bulgheroni, 1
Induno Olona
21056 (Va)
The event is reserved to Operations and IT Manager of manufacturing companies. All the speechs will be in italian language. the registration hs to be validated by the staff.